Sunday, August 24, 2014

So I got some okra...

There is a retiree who takes lessons in the Pre-College division of the university where I teach and he has been bringing us vegetables from his garden. This week was the most beautiful okra I have ever seen. And I grew up in Irmo, SC home of the Okra Strut, so I KNOW from okra.

So anyway - we are making some GUMBO. I am giving this new recipe a try from Eating Well.

Appetizer - Cheese and crackers

Appetizer - grapes and cheese

veggies and dip

Cod filets prepared TBA (Daddy is in charge of these)


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Now MOMMY's semester is starting back

My classes start this week at the university so the rubber meets the road with the new schedule, as they say.  Last week, having "appetizers" worked pretty well when they were offered. Since its not always me who is putting together the dinner plans, I have to defer to the judgement of the person who is. "Trust the guy in the room." Which is one of the more important lessons I learned from The West Wing, of all things.

Cheeseburger casserole

Shrimp and Watermelon salad

Chicken and Black Bean Taco Salad (Crock Pot)

Tuna Melts

Calzone Cupcakes again. (movie night!)

Summer Vegetables with Sausage & Potatoes

Monday, August 11, 2014

Bold New Culinary Horizons... (kinda)

A new thing for us. Big starts a different school and gets home much later than little. It is not quite dinner time but late enough that she is REALLY hungry when she gets home. After a week of just letting her eat whatever snack is appealing, which has resulted in dinner being "spoiled" so to speak, we are trying something new. Appetizers.

I look at this as an opportunity to gently broaden our culinary horizons past Goldfish and peanut butter. Behold, the appetizer and menu plan for the first week. Wish us luck.


Black Bean/Corn Salsa and Baked Tortilla Chips

Fish Sticks / FishTacos

Pineapple chunks

Kung Pao Chicken Zoodles


Crock Pot Italian Sloppy Joes

Watermelon chunks

Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Dip and Veggie selection

Calzone Cupcakes

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Smoothie Sailin'

I am late to this party, but I have fallen in love with Green Smoothies! Who would have ever predicted that SPINACH makes an excellent smoothie? Not me. That's for sure.

I made one today, based on the Skinny Green Monster smoothie from  (love her!) but I changed it up a little bit.

3ozs Fage 0% plain greek yogurt
3 ozs crushed pineapple (this is just what I had in the fridge, I am sure fresh or frozen would be great too)
3 ozs unsweetened coconut milk
dash of coconut extract (because I had it in my cabinet)
1 TPSP unsweetened coconut flakes
1 packet of stevia
handful of spinach
a few ice cubes
1 small banana

Blended that all up and it was delicious! Kinda pina-colada-ish.  Yum!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Counting Points again!

Well, I am counting points again. I knew I had put on a little bit of weight and I didn't want it to get out of control so back to the tried and true Points Plus of Weight Watchers! There have been a few updates since I was last in the land of WW. The site has a new look and feel. There is a lot more support for dining out. (Restaurant Specific Points values, including my beloved Chick Fil-A) also, I now have an iPad and I like the way the iPad apps work for WW. For example, the WW Kitchen app. It is an easy way to search recipes.

So, I am going to publish the weekly menus again here on the blog but I am going to try to also plan for some snack and breakfast ideas since I seem to be somewhat stuck when it comes to that.

Balsamic Pork Roast
Roasted Broccoli

Pasta w/Homemade marinara
Garlic bread
(a note about pasta: I have lately been "boosting" my pasta servings with spaghetti squash. Sp Squash, doesn't taste at all like pasta and the texture isn't the same either, so I would never do only the squash and try to fool myself. However, having the extra there makes it look like i have more pasta and it is more filling with fewer points!)

Skinny Chicken Tikka Masala

Thai coconut curry shrimp
Stir Fry Vegetable Steamers
(a word about Steamers: I have started buying these steamer bags in the frozen section of the grocery. I have found that it is nice to have them on hand for those times when I don't really know what to serve as a side dish. Super easy and they keep for a while since they are frozen.)

Cheeseburger Casserole
This is a new favorite because it is tasty but also because it makes great leftovers!

Valentine's Day dinner
the tradition in our house is that Daddy makes a fancy Valentine's Day dinner and we eat in the dining room! Last fall, I did a recital in Denver, CO and happened upon this amazing restaurant downtown called Rioja. I proceeded to eat there for the remainder of my dinners! On the second night, I found out they had a cookbook and that the waiter could get one signed for me! So I bought it "for my husband." Really, this was as selfish a gift as I could get! Anyway, he s going to be preparing something out of this cookbook for our V-day menu!

Baked Spaghetti Squash with Cheese
Remember how I said I was using spaghetti squash more? Here is a casserole type recipe that uses NO pasta. So we are giving it a try.

I have been stuck in a rut with my breakfasts and I want to get out. My go to breakfast has lately been a whole wheat waffle with Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut Butter and a banana (7P+). I just want to be able to change it up. Refrigerator Oatmeal anyone? Maybe some eggs?

I'm going to make some of these PB&J Oatmeal cookies. We'll see. Maybe with an apple it will be a good snack!